Bethesda Felixstowe is a friendly and vibrant local independent evangelical church, where about a hundred people meet at 10:30 each Sunday morning for worship and fellowship. We also have a Sunday evening service at 6:30pm, and during the week, various activities for all age groups.
Our ‘Mission Statement’ is that We live to bring glory to God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Whatever your situation in life, we believe that Jesus welcomes all who come to Him now, and that there is no greater treasure – and no more urgent call – than to know Him. We would like to get to know you, and welcome you to worship with us or to start getting to know about Jesus.
Our church values at Bethesda reflect and shape the characteristics we strive to be marked by:
- Worshipful;
- Biblical;
- Prayerful;
- Dependent;
- Loving; and
- Missional.
Our statement of faith explains some more detail about what we believe.
Find out who’s who, and read a little bit about our history.
Bethesda is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. There are more than 550 F.I.E.C. churches in the UK.