Our Mission Statement:

We live to bring glory to God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Our Values:

Bethesda is a local church family that strives to be marked by the following characteristics:

valicon worshipfulWorshipful - marked by desire to know, love and glorify God.
We believe that people have no higher purpose than to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Our desire is that the Triune God is glorified and worshiped in all that we do and we long to grow in our knowledge, love and enjoyment of Him each day.

BiblicalBiblical - marked by trust in the Bible as the living and active Word of God.
We believe that the Bible is the very voice of God and the instrument through which he changes us into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

PrayerfulPrayerful - marked by faithfulness in public and private prayer.
In prayer, private and corporate, we commune with God and seek to know him as both personal and powerful.

DependentDependent - marked by dependence on the grace and power of God.
It is only by his grace given to us in the Lord Jesus and his power at work in us by the Holy Spirit that we are able to live godly lives. We therefore seek to walk in humble dependence on his grace and expectation of his power.

LovingLoving - marked by genuine love and fellowship with one another.
Jesus died on the cross, not only to bring us to God but to bring us together as his church. Because of this, we strive to grow in love and unity with one another as well as other gospel-centred churches.

MissionalMissional - marked by passion for making disciples of Jesus Christ.
We are committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ by taking the good news of his life, death and resurrection to the world.