
Morning service, 10:30 am - 11:45 am
Crèche is available for babies and toddlers, Mini-Zone for children aged 3 - 11, and Y-Zone for children aged 11+. Communion every week (using gluten-free, wheat-free, milk-free bread and alcohol-free wine, please check on the day to confirm).

Evening meeting, 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Evening study series, please check our calendar for details. (Not every week.)



10:00 am Women of the Word (WOW) Bible Study (term time only*)


Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday

Fellowship Groups at members' homes, afternoons or evenings. If you would like to be involved, please speak with one of the elders.


Christianity Explored courses are also run regularly for anyone wishing to find out more about Jesus and the Bible and what Christians believe.

* During school holidays and half-terms, some activities do not meet regularly. Other meetings may occasionally change; please check our calendar for more details.